
I wanted to be an NBA player. It hasn’t happened yet, but I train with my friends every week 😉 I managed to get into another league – the world’s best flair bartenders. I had the pleasure of winning international bartending competitions over 60 times and securing the title of World Flair Bartending Champion 4 times in both IBA and WFA federations. Bartending is my passion, joy, and way of life. Mixing flavors is my element. And my inspiration, motivation, guardian angel, and devil is Patrycja…


In life, I am driven by the sun, the sea, and friends. I love hosting guests at home. Cooking for friends is pure pleasure for me. I stand firmly on the ground, I like to have my life under control, that’s why Marek and I complement each other perfectly.

We present to you Mix Me. It’s a unique project in our lives, the first one we’ve worked on together. The process took two and a half years, and we’re happy to finally show you the results.

Where did the idea for Mix Me come from?

The need is the mother of invention. In this case, it’s the need and a limited budget 🙂

There wouldn’t be Mix Me if my friend Kasia had succeeded in hiring a bartender for her friend’s birthday party…

How were the girls supposed to do something more sophisticated than vodka with cola without a bartender at the party? That’s when the idea for a cordial came to my mind, something that could be added to any alcohol or non-alcoholic beverage. I went shopping, prepared the mixes, and took them to the party while they were still warm. It was a bullseye. The girls mixed cocktails themselves and drank whatever they wanted because all they had to do was pour Mix Me into water, vodka, rum, prosecco… whatever they desired.

At that stage, it wasn’t called Mix Me yet, but that was the beginning…

The product seemed easy to prepare to us, but reality strongly challenged our assumptions, and only after over two and a half years of hard work, numerous trials and errors, and dozens of tastings, are we able to share the final version with you.

We didn’t create Mix Me on our own. The initial flavor went through multiple changes based on feedback from our friends, family, acquaintances, and the friends and family of acquaintances. We wanted everyone to find something for themselves. We prioritized quality and naturalness – our products contain only natural and high-quality ingredients without the addition of colorings, preservatives, flavor enhancers, or artificial aromas. You can read more about Mix Me here.